Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kim Dawson to teach apparel marketing class

Portland Sewing just chose Kim Dawson to teach strategic marketing planning.
During the class, apparel designers write a marketing plan -- a key part of a business plan.
 "it's critical to figure out who you are, what you have to offer and where you can place your product to make the most profit," Dawson says.
During the class, she takes students through the 4 "Ps" of marketing, helps them prepare a strong product line that stays viable and relevant over time.

The class takes place Saturdays, October 1-November 5, 10 am-1 pm ($189).
 Dawson began her advertising career with Chiat/Day, creators of the "1984" ad for the Apple MacIntosh computer. She's been an advertising manager/director in the U.S. and Europe and sales director for an Internet start-up.

She now owns Flaunt Business Consulting to advise entrepreneurs.

She's taught marketing and business classes at Portland Community College.

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